What would you do to back up all the content that is in your single-user UPK Developer?

What would you do to back up all the content that is in your single-user UPK Developer?

What would you do to back up all the content that is in your single-user UPK Developer?

Run a backup of the internal UPK database. Copy the resulting database backup file to a
secure location.

Open the Developer, select all the folders at the root level (minus the system folder), and
choose Tools, Export, Documents. Copy the resulting .odarc file to a secure location.

Open the Developer and check In all your documents. Then run a backup of the database.
Copy the resulting database backup file to a secure location.

Open the Developer, select all the folders at the root level (minus the system folder), and
choose File, Publish. Publish the content as a Player. Copy the resulting Player Package to a
secure location.

Moving or Backing Up Local UPK Files

Stored topics that aren’t published are saved in the UPK Library on the computer where it was
created. If you want to share your topics with another UPK developer, if you’re getting a new
computer and don’t want to lose your work, or if you just want a backup of the files, the easiest
method is to export your UPK modules/sections/topics.
Follow these steps to extract UPK content:
1.Open the module you want to share or backup. Tip: You can backup all or part of your Library
using the export command. Select the root folder in Details View of the Library to export and
backup your entire Library.
2.Go to the Tools menu and select Export>Documents.
3.Browse to select a location for the exported file. It’s recommended that you choose a network
folder because those files are backed up by OTI servers. Files stored on your C drive are not
backed up.
4.Choose Export my selection and related documents. (You can click “View related documents” to
see what UPK considers related documents.)
5.Click Export.
This process creates an .oardc file, which can be zipped and emailed to others or imported back
into UPK through the Tools menu, as needed. http://erp.fsu.edu/Resources/Resources-for-UPK-Developers/ContentDevelopment/Moving-or-Backing-Up-Local-UPK-Files

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