Identity the correct description of the free-form content type
Free form content types do not contain relationships and do not contain properties until you add
them to a profile type.
Free-form content types contain relationships and contain properties as part of profile type.
Free-form content types do not contain relationships but contain properties as part of profile
Free-form content types contain relationship and do not contain until you add them to a profile
Free-form content types enable you to capture information in a profile that you do not need to store
in the content library. For example, you can set up a free-form content type to store information
about the previous employment information for your workers.
A free-form content type contains only a code, name, and a description, and does not have any
properties defined for it until you add it to a profile type. Free-form content types do not include any
content items.
Fusion Applications Help, Define Workforce Profiles FAQs