What are the four key features of organizations?
Fusion Enterprise replaced EBS Business Group as primary data partition.
Fusion legislative Data Group replaces EBS Business Group are country specific data partition
within an enterprise.
The Legislative Data Group has a one-to-one relationship with the Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU).
Departments and Representative Bodies are Set Enabled in Fusion.
Organizations in Fusion are “Date Tracked”, which is means of maintaining a history of changes to
the record.
Legal Employer is used to partition payroll data in large organizations with multiple legal entities.
A: Enterprise replaces EBS Business Group as a primary data partition
B: Legislative Data Group (LDG) replaces EBS Business Group as a country specific data partition
within an Enterprise
C: The minimum requirement is to create a legal entity for each country in which you pay workers.
You must define each legal entity as both a legal employer and a payroll statutory unit (PSU), and
associate the relevant legislative data group with the PSU.
Incorrect answers:
D: Jobs, Organizations, Locations and Grades are set enabled
Which is the correct answer?
As we are getting different in the comments section as well and the marked one as well