Identity three possible reasons for the system error

Grade structures (grades, grade rates, and grade ladder) were configured for your customer and the
required employee assignment data was migrated to the system. However there was a change in
requirement and the customer decided to do away with some grades as they were no longer used.
When you try to delete one such grade from the system, the system throws an error. Identity three
possible reasons for the system error

Grade structures (grades, grade rates, and grade ladder) were configured for your customer and the
required employee assignment data was migrated to the system. However there was a change in
requirement and the customer decided to do away with some grades as they were no longer used.
When you try to delete one such grade from the system, the system throws an error. Identity three
possible reasons for the system error

There are assignment records of one or more employees associated with this grade

The grade has grade rates defined.

The grade is linked to a grade ladder.

Grade cannot be deleted and can only be made inactive by changing the status to “Inactive”.

Grade cannot be deleted and can only be end dated.

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