Which two solutions, when combined, maintain the state of the session bean over a passivation and activation by the container?

A stateful session bean contains a number of instance variables. The types of instance variables A
and B are NOT serializable. Instance variable B is a complex type which is populated by many
business calls, and can, therefore, NOT be refilled by the client without starting all over. A helper
instance variable C is defined as having a Serializable type, and can hold all the information which
is in variable B. For example, B is of type XML-DOM Tree and C of type String. Which two
solutions, when combined, maintain the state of the session bean over a passivation and
activation by the container? (Choose two.)

A stateful session bean contains a number of instance variables. The types of instance variables A
and B are NOT serializable. Instance variable B is a complex type which is populated by many
business calls, and can, therefore, NOT be refilled by the client without starting all over. A helper
instance variable C is defined as having a Serializable type, and can hold all the information which
is in variable B. For example, B is of type XML-DOM Tree and C of type String. Which two
solutions, when combined, maintain the state of the session bean over a passivation and
activation by the container? (Choose two.)

The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of instance variable B in the beans
no-arg constructor.

The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of instance variable B in a
@PostCreate annotated method.

The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of instance variable B in a
@PostActivate annotated method

Instance variable A must be made null and instance variable B must be converted to a
Serializable type and assigned to another instance variable in a @PreDestroy annotated method.

Instance variable A must be defined transient. Instance variable B must be converted to a
Serializable type, set to null, and assigned to the instance variable C in a @PrePassivate
annotated method.

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