What is a possible reason that an lllegalArgumentException is thrown at Line 33 when the removeStore method is called by a remote client?

A developer implemented a Java class called Store. The class is annotated correctly to act as an
entity. The developer created a stateless session bean to create, lookup, and remove Store
objects. This session bean has a container-managed entity manager injected into field em and a
removeStore method with transaction attribute REQUIRED.
Given the following code :
32. public void removeStore(Store store) {
33. em.remove(store);
34. }
What is a possible reason that an lllegalArgumentException is thrown at Line 33 when the
removeStore method is called by a remote client?

A developer implemented a Java class called Store. The class is annotated correctly to act as an
entity. The developer created a stateless session bean to create, lookup, and remove Store
objects. This session bean has a container-managed entity manager injected into field em and a
removeStore method with transaction attribute REQUIRED.
Given the following code :
32. public void removeStore(Store store) {
33. em.remove(store);
34. }
What is a possible reason that an lllegalArgumentException is thrown at Line 33 when the
removeStore method is called by a remote client?

The passed object is NOT serializable.

The passed object is NOT found in the database.

The passed object is NOT managed by the entity manager.

There is no active transaction to manage the database removal.

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