Which two types of metadata can be retrieved by using the various procedures in the DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package?

Which two types of metadata can be retrieved by using the various procedures in the
DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package? (Choose two.)

Which two types of metadata can be retrieved by using the various procedures in the
DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package? (Choose two.)

report of invalidated objects in a schema

report of statistics of an object in the database

DDL for all object grants on a table in the database

data definition language (DDL) for all objects in a schema

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This dump is the same as two previous versions: 1z0-146 and 1z0-146 (v.1): the same questions, descriptions and screenshots.
And it contains a lot of duplicate questions. That’s why this dump a little bit larger then the previous one.
So, it’s just a new incarnation of the first 1z0-146 dump, which was posted here in 2012.
All answers for all questions are correct (except #54). You can trust them.



is it still valid? Can i use it for preparation?



Here is another two, from memory, so wording might be slightly off:

Which two statements are true about SecureFiles? (Choose two)

A. Encryption enable of the LOB can be performed on table creation.
B. Encryption enable of the LOB can be performed on table creation as well as using alter table.
C. Deduplication enable of LOB deduplicates on insert of new LOB data only.
D. Deduplication enable of LOB deduplicates on insert of new LOB data initially,
however the storage management also deduplicates existing LOB data.

Answer: B, D

Which three pieces of information can be found when using PL/SQL hierarchical profiler? (Choose three)

A. Callers of the function
B. Number of calls to the function
C. Function elapsed time, including descendants
D. Number of arguments to the function
E. Recent compile time of the function

Answer: A,B,C



is it still valid? Can i use it for preparation?



The DBMS_METADATA package provides a way for you to retrieve metadata from the database dictionary as XML or creation DDL and to submit the XML to re-create the object.



So i have passed today this exam and I can assure you that all questions are 100% the same, even the answer letters are was the same, by learning all these questions I have scored 98%.



Are all the answers in v2 correct?

Congrats btw, that’s quite a high score!