What is a recommended technique for building a good relationship with someone who has a dominanting or very strong personality?

What is a recommended technique for building a good relationship with someone who has a
dominanting or very strong personality?

What is a recommended technique for building a good relationship with someone who has a
dominanting or very strong personality?

1. Be direct and clear. 2. Stick to the topic, with little discussion about things outside of work.

1. Use humor to create an informal environment. 2. Use emotional language or speak in
extreme terms — like “outstanding” or “I love that idea”.

1. Make sure to get your points out first and explain why they are right. 2. Be prepared for
criticism and have a couple of topics ready where you will immediately give in.

1. Discuss the person’s interests outside of work. 2. Limit the conversation to just two topics,
since the conversation will likely go into detailed stories about experiences.


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