Identify two benefits of customizing user-interface views.
Limit user access to functionality
Lock down security privileges
Administer users in the web interface
Target application functionality
User-based configuration
A: Define user interface views that restrict and provide access to P6
Web Access functionality according to the requirements of your
company’s functional roles.
E: Defining a prototype userconfiguration, in combination with defining user interface views,
ensures that new users of P6 Web Access will have a consistent interface
customized for the business needs of the organization.
* Privilege Edit User Interface Views:
Create, edit, and delete user interface views in P6 Web
Access. This privilege also grants you the right to
assign user interface views to users in both P6 Web
Access and the Project Management module.
* In addition to licensing and security privileges, you can further control
access to P6 Web Access functionality using user interface views. A
user interface view is a defined set of tabs, pages, and Action Menu
items that a user assigned to that view can access in each section of P6
Web Access (Dashboards, Portfolios, Projects, and Resources). You can
create multiple user interface views that correspond to the job functions
performed by each role in your organization, or you can create user
interface views to meet each individual user’s needs. User interface
views can only be defined in P6 Web Access and can be assigned to
users in both P6 Web Access and the Project Management module.
USER-BASED CONFIGURATION = If you have the rights to edit your user interface view, you can specify the items that appear in each section, as well as their display order. If you do not have rights to edit your user interface view, you can use this tab to verify the items you can access