What does "responsible manager" mean with Primavera P6 EPPM?

You are a program manager reviewing portfolio performance data. You see that many issues are
assigned to a “responsible manager.”
What does “responsible manager” mean with Primavera P6 EPPM?

You are a program manager reviewing portfolio performance data. You see that many issues are
assigned to a “responsible manager.”
What does “responsible manager” mean with Primavera P6 EPPM?

The person responsible for resolving the issue

The person who identified the issue

The element from the OBS associated with the issue

the manager to which the issue has been assigned

Your organization, from top-level personnel down through all levels.
You can associate the responsible managers with their areas of the
EPS— either nodes or individual projects. When you associate a
responsible manager with an EPS node, any projects you add to that
branch of the EPS are assigned that manager element by default.
Note: Note: When you associate a responsible manager with an EPS Node, any projects you add

to that branch of the EPS are assigned that manager element by default. When you create a user,
you have to give them Responsible Manager assignments in order for them to see projects. Your
EPS and your OBS need to have a one-to-one relationship. If you give a user a Responsible
Manager assignment (OBS) that is not tied to an EPS, Project or WBS level, they will not see any
projects when they log into the Primavera Client application or the Web Application.

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