Select the OUM Implement process in which you develop the system through a number of iterative
Business Requirements
Technical Architecture
Through a number of steps, mostly iterative, the final application is developed within the
Implementation process. The results from the Design process are used to implement the system
such as source code for components, scripts, and executables. During this process, developers also
perform testing on software components. Implementation is the main focus of the Construction
phase, but it starts early in the Elaboration phase in order to implement the architecture baseline
(trial architecture and prototype). During Transition, it occurs in order to handle any defects or bugs
discovered while testing and releasing the system. The main work product of this process is the final
iteration build that is ready to be tested.
* OUM recognizes the advantages of an iterative and incremental approach to development and
deployment of information systems. Any of the tasks within OUM may be iterated. Whether or not
to iterate, as well as the number of iterations, varies. Tasks may be iterated to increase quality of the
work products to a desired level, to add sufficient level of detail, or to refine and expand the work
products on the basis of user feedback.