Which is a recommended starting point when building a project workplan?
OUM Implement Core Workflow
OUM Implement full work breakdown structure
The OUM Inception Phase work breakdown structure
The work products identified from the scope of work
In OUM, this principle is extended to refer to the execution of the method processes themselves.
Project managers and practitioners are encouraged to scale OUM to be fit-for-purpose for a given
situation. It is rarely appropriate to execute every activity within OUM. OUM provides guidance for
determining the core set of activities to be executed, the level of detail targeted in those activities
and their associated tasks, and the frequency and type of end user deliverables. The project
workplan should be developed from this core. The plan should then be scaled up, rather than
tailored down, to the level of discipline appropriate to the identified risks and requirements.
* To develop our Project Workplan, we have several options. We can employ a top-down approach
and start with all of OUM and tailor it down. We can employ a bottom-up approach and start with
the Core Workflow and build up from there. The best approach is probably to start with the
workplan that most closely matches our engagement and tailor up and down. That is, immediately
tailor down to a pre-tailored Workplan and continue to tailor from there based on the requirements
of the engagement, while simultaneously keeping in mind the Core Workflow and building up from
* tailoring of the actual OUM Project Workplan for your project for activities and tasks (tailoring
steps 2.0 through 5.2) including tips for applying a bottom-up as well as a top-down technique for
tailoring the Project Workplan.
For our example, we are starting with the OUM Project Workplan that is located in the Method
Resources section of the Key Components of most view pages. In OUM 5.6, a new Project Workplan
template was introduced with pre-tailoring capability for most Implement views.